Q: Do You Need Assistance from a Social Security Disability Attorney if You Receive Notice That Your Benefits Will Discontinue?
A: The Social Security Administration will periodically review the cases of those who currently receive benefits. This should happen on a regular basis, but with a backlog of cases, it might not happen when or as regularly as expected. The agency should evaluate cases every 3 to 7 years. That frequency depends upon the type and circumstances of the injury or condition. Changes in the condition or injury or work status might also prompt a review. After reviewing a claim, Social Security may determine that the claimant may no longer be eligible for benefits. The agency will notify the claimant that benefits will discontinue. This notification is usually received a couple months prior to when payments will discontinue. If you recently received notification of discontinuation, it would be extremely helpful to seek assistance from a social security disability attorney. A social security disability attorney can help you appeal that decision and assure that all necessary medical records and supporting evidence have been submitted to demonstrate the continued eligibility for benefits. That appeal must be submitted within 60 days of receipt of notification of discontinuation.
Q: Should you submit a new application if you hire a social security disability attorney?
A: No, unless your condition or injury has changed or you submitted your initial application incorrectly, you do not need to submit a new application if you hire a social security disability attorney. Submitting another application, instead of appealing, will usually add more time to the review process. Your attorney will review your file when you hire him or her and help you determine the appropriate next step.