There are many reasons why folks choose to attend a college or university online. One obvious reason is that it is easier to fit the schedule of an online university into a busy personal life than it is to fit the strict schedule of a traditional university. With a traditional university, you have to attend class at a certain time and at a certain location. When earning an online degree, you can stay inside, and go to school in the comfort of your own home. One popular choice for people earning an online degree is a psychology major. There are many different schools that can offer this, but I do not think there are many that can offer an online psychology masters degree. Of course, if you are at all interested in earning an online psychology masters degree, you better make sure you can attend. Some schools will allow most people with a bachelors degree to earn an online psychology masters degree while others will require certain prerequisites. Still, many people are choosing to earn an online psychology masters degree. There is much that you can do with an online psychology masters degree. I have a friend who was a very hard worker during college, and he ended up earning two bachelors, one in music and the other in psychology. Needless to say he now has a job in the field of psychology. Besides careers in simply psychology, there are also numerous different jobs available in the field of therapy. Many of these jobs require you to have a degree in psychology, and these days, earning a masters is definitely not a bad idea. Getting an online psychology masters degree will help your chances to land a good job in this tough job market. If you are at all interested in the field of psychology, go look into earning an online psychology masters degree.