Did you know that an estimated 12.5 Americans hunt annually? Hunting is a common recreational activity in the US and there are a variety of different forms of hunting. Big game hunts and fishing are especially popular forms of hunting. For the 2012 season, 139,111 applications were submitted to hunt big game in the state of New Mexico alone.
If you’re considering hunting vacations, there are a variety of hunting ranches. You might also consider a guided hunt. Hunting guides can be very helpful, helping you to catch game more effectively. For example, at hunting ranches you could go on elk guided hunts, a guided mule deer hunt, or a black bear guided hunt. Black bear hunting guides can be particularly helpful. The North American black bear (Ursus americanus) is a medium sized bear. It is North America’s smallest and most common bear species. Interestingly, up to 85 percent of the black bear’s diet consists of vegetable matter, particularly young shoots and leaves, but they also eat insects and larvae. A black beer hunting guide can help you to determine where the best place and time to search for black beers.
Guided elk hunts are also common. Interestingly, adult elk stay in single sex groups during the year, except during the mating season, which is known as the rut. Elk bulls, or males, have a loud vocalization known as bugling, the sound of which can be heard for miles. Female elk are attracted to the males that bugle more often and have the loudest call. Elk are found all over the world. Interestingly, in parts of Asia, elk antlers and their velvet are used in traditional medicine. An elk hunting guide can be a great resource and guided mule deer hunts can be quite fun.
Guided hunting at hunting ranches can be a great vacation option. New Mexico, in particular, is a great place for hunting; hunting ranches in New Mexico attract visitors from all over the country. Visitors can hunt big game, black bears, elk, and mule deer, among many other animals Hunting is a great recreational activity; consider a New Mexico hunting vacation.