When I first started to consider moving, I had no idea that I could build custom made homes. Sure, custom home designers are pretty pricey, but if you wan to move, make sure you upgrade is what I say, and there is no better way to upgrade than custom made homes.
I wanted to find custom made homes in Wyoming, though, specifically. This is in large part because Wyoming is really one of only nine states that does not tax individual wage income. I really liked the Big Sky region, too, because its major industries include both tourism and the tech sector. I have my fingers in each of those pies, which makes it perfect.
Plus, the Big Sky region is one of the last places in all of the Rocky Mountain West that remains uncrowded and surrounded by vast regions of unspoiled wild lands, which was very important to me. According to the census of 2010, there were only 2,308 people residing in the Big Sky region, making the population density just 10.1 percent per square mile. Perfect. Even though I am a bit of a tech mogul, I am a country boy at heart. I need to be around wilderness. I need to live in it, you know?
So I started looking more into having custom made homes built in the Big Sky region. In many cases, custom made home builders construct on the land that the home buyer already owns, however, some developers sell fully serviced lots specifically for the construction of custom made homes, which was what I got involved with.
And I have to say, boy am I glad that I had custom made homes built for me and my family. We love it out here.
If you have any questions or concerns about custom made homes, please feel free to ask in the comments! Links like this. Find more on this topic here.
My father in law has a custom made home, except he built it with his very own hands. I think that that is probably the best way to go about building custom made homes, you know?
No way. You should definitely have a professional construct your home, unless you are a construction worker and an architect put together.
No way. You should definitely have a professional construct your home, unless you are a construction worker and an architect put together.
No way. You should definitely have a professional construct your home, unless you are a construction worker and an architect put together.
No way. You should definitely have a professional construct your home, unless you are a construction worker and an architect put together.
No way. You should definitely have a professional construct your home, unless you are a construction worker and an architect put together.