Entertainment Weekly online has an exclusive response from Orson Scott Card, the science fiction author that has spoken out against gay marriage. Card, author of the bestselling Enders Game, a 1985 bestseller, will soon be released as a major motion picture. The 110 million dollar production is set for release on November 1, 2013. Entertainment tonight online has high hopes for the movie, highlighting Harrison Ford in the latest scifi role for the star.
But, if protestors have their say, it will be greeted with boycotts from same sex marriage supporters and gay rights advocates. Entertainment news online has posted the recent statement from Orson Scott Card calling the gay marriage issue a moot point. With the recent Supreme Court rulings he says that “the Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution will…give legal force in every state to any marriage contract recognized by any other state”. He further asks for tolerance from those whose opinion he opposed.
Time will tell whether the movie based on his bestseller sees the high viewership that is predicted. Orson Scott Card is no stranger to opposition. In a 2000 Salon article by Donna Minkowitz he was criticized as “disgustingly” homophobic. Intentions aside, in 2009 he joined the board of the National Organization for Marriage (NOW) that fought against same sex unions.
Card, a devout Mormon, has also written for the Mormon Times in which he speaks out against same sex marriages and homosexuality in general. This personal veiwpoint has garnered protest in the past as well from the science fiction community. When Card was chosen to write DC Comics Adventures of Superman an online entertainment edition, artist Christopher Sprouse pulled out in response to Cards stance on social issues affecting the LGBT community.
The divisive Orson Scott Card has found himself at the hands of another petition to boycott his latest creation, according to Entertainment Weekly online, but it is hard to tell how much sway it will have against the draw of Harrision Ford and the Hollywood movie marketing machine.
Enders Game was such a great book, especially for 1985 science fiction, but it sounds like Orson Scott Card is just a full on nutter.
Enders Game was such a great book, especially for 1985 science fiction, but it sounds like Orson Scott Card is just a full on nutter.
Enders Game was such a great book, especially for 1985 science fiction, but it sounds like Orson Scott Card is just a full on nutter.
Enders Game was such a great book, especially for 1985 science fiction, but it sounds like Orson Scott Card is just a full on nutter.
Enders Game was such a great book, especially for 1985 science fiction, but it sounds like Orson Scott Card is just a full on nutter.