Recent events have caused particular attention to be drawn to the functioning of marine engines. Especially as cruise ships have grown in popularity, representing $29.4 billion in revenue and drawing more than 19 million passengers worldwide annually, the public has shown increased interest in the safety of cruise vessels. Many modern cruise ships have added amenities to cater to tourists that lead to sacrifice of qualities of seaworthiness.
Marine engine spare parts suppliers are looked to in the effort to restore functionality and safety to commercial cruise vessels. Though most spare part supply stores cater to smaller vessels, in this article, we’ll look at the variety of marine spare parts that work together to move such mammoth ships as cruise ships and ocean liners across the ocean.
Power Sources
Large cruise ships require incredible amounts of electrical power. They use either gas turbine or diesel electric engines, with some especially large ships utilizing two separate power sources for propulsion and for electrical power.
Aero Derivative Gas Turbine Engines
These engines generate heat which is converted from mechanical energy into electrical power through the ignition of compressed hair in a combustion chamber. The hot exhaust is forced over a turbine that spins, thereby mechanically driving a shaft. That power is then used to spin electrical generators.
Diesel Electric Engines
Diesel electric engines work similarly. The hot exhaust generated from the ignition of compressed air, however, is used by a direct drive system instead of being forced over a turbine. Output shafts are connected to electrical generators in order to produce power.
Both engine types require enormous quantities of fuel, with the QE2 using about 380 tons of fuel daily when traveling at 28.5 knots. Such ships carry enough fuel to sail without stops for 12 days. Cruise ships usually fill up at various ports, using fueling barges like floating gas stations. While fuel for passengers, i.e. food, is usually only stocked at the ship’s home port, fuel for the ship must be restocked periodically.
Sold by marine engine spare parts suppliers, propellers are used by all motorized marine vessels. Also known as screws, propellers cut through the water and move a cruise ship forward or backward. They don’t rely on speed, but instead on torque. That’s why cruise ships tend to move slowly. New cruise ships like the QM2 use azimuth thrusters, pods that house propellers that can rotate 360 degrees and provide maximum maneuverability. They replace rudders and are generally considered superior to conventional propeller systems. In fact, it has been speculated that all of Titanic’s passengers might have reached New York safely had the ship been equipped with azimuth thrusters. They allow ships to turn more quickly, helping them to avoid disaster.
The parts required by cruise ships are generally available, to much smaller scale, by many marine engine spare parts suppliers. While all motorized marine vessels require engines and propellers, the ones required by cruise ships are like the mammoths of the marine part world. Helpful info also found here: globalmarinecare.com
Interesting! I never gave it much thought, but those parts must be massive!
How do they even ship parts that big? They must be enormous!
How do they even ship parts that big? They must be enormous!
How do they even ship parts that big? They must be enormous!
How do they even ship parts that big? They must be enormous!
How do they even ship parts that big? They must be enormous!