If you’re planning to retire to a home near Naples in sunny Bonita Springs real estate is an excellent choice. Some may have trouble finding perfect homes for sale in Naples Florida, which makes living in Bonita Springs FL an excellent alternative. This is not to say that there’s anything wrong with the city’s real estate–it would simply be wiser to expand your search perimeter to outside areas. Why limit your options?
You see, Bonita Springs is a medium-sized coastal city with a population of 43,914 people, and 11 constituent neighborhoods. There’s a mixed workforce living in Bonita Springs FL. It’s neither predominately blue-collar, nor white-collar. It’s a city of service providers, salespeople, and office workers and managers.
There’s a surprising amount of seniors living in Bonita Springs FL, making it a popular destination for retirement. In fact, seniors make up 33.84% of the city’s population. Due to the prominence of the retirement community, Bonita Springs is an excellent place for people over age 65 to settle down. The city offers this community several opportunities for socializing, and also offers access towards senior-oriented services.
Living in Bonita Springs Florida is a fairly quiet lifestyle, because there are relatively few groups that tend to be noisy, such as children who can’t help but be noisy. The city has relatively few families with children at home, making it that much more peaceful. The biggest reason it’s so calm, though, is because there are simply fewer people living in Bonita Springs Florida.
Since it’s a nautical, coastal city, there are parts that are somewhat historic and are in contact with the ocean or tidal bodies of water (like inlets and bays). Locals enjoy going to these areas and taking in the majestic scenery, or participating in waterfront activities.
Living in Bonita Springs Florida is an excellent choice for those looking to retire. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. For more information see this: Bonita springs real estate