A quarter of adults admit to having gone shopping in pursuit of retail therapy at some point, and 33% of them say that, afterwords, they actually feel better, according to a 2011 Harris Interactive survey. While there are all kinds of items that people could buy, almost everyone will want to try to find some great deals. This might be particularly true when it comes to brand name handbags and other similar items. If those are the kinds of products that someone is looking for, they might want to visit a Coach outlet. The concern with shopping at a Coach outlet vs Coach retailer is that items might be fake. In order to avoid getting scammed, consumers should check out several distinctive features of the bag.
1. Check the Zipper
All authentic bags will have the letters “YKK” embossed on the zipper. Though it might be hard to see from just a picture, that marking is a clear indicator of whether or not a bag is real or not.
2. Avoid Items With Plastic
Plastic on the handle of a bag is a giveaway that it is not authentic. Even if someone has been lead to believe what is the real Coach factory outlet website, they should still be sure to avoid handles covered in plastic. There are lots of websites that sell unauthentic items, so it is important for consumer to check items even if they believe they are on a reputable one.
3. See Where the Item Was Manufactured
Coach items are produced in several different countries including Costa Rica and China. However, they are not manufactured in Korea. So if a bag or other item has a “Mad in Korea” tag, it is a fake.
4. Serial Numbers
Real Coach bags will have a serial number that includes either zero or only one letter. If it has several letters, it is most likely a fake. Because shoppers can call Coach and ask about a specific serial number, this is a great way to check authenticity.
5. CC vs CG
Any items available during an official coach factory outlet online sale will likely feature the signature CC pattern that Coach uses. However, one of the easiest ways to spot a fake item is to see that it has a CG emblem. No matter where someone is doing there shopping checking that logo should be the first step they take to make sure an item is authentic.
Well, I think one thing is for sure, if you buy the bag in a back alley in Chinatown in NYC, its probably not real lol
Haha, I wish that someone would have told me that when I was 17 and didnt have a lot of money but wanted to get something nice for my girlfriend.
Haha, I wish that someone would have told me that when I was 17 and didnt have a lot of money but wanted to get something nice for my girlfriend.
Haha, I wish that someone would have told me that when I was 17 and didnt have a lot of money but wanted to get something nice for my girlfriend.
Haha, I wish that someone would have told me that when I was 17 and didnt have a lot of money but wanted to get something nice for my girlfriend.
Haha, I wish that someone would have told me that when I was 17 and didnt have a lot of money but wanted to get something nice for my girlfriend.