As the baby boomer generation ages, the need for physical therapy has increased exponentially. People nowadays are living longer, and furthermore, are staying more active in their later years. This means that in many instances that used to require surgery, more people are being referred to physical therapy instead.
Physical therapists are responsible for assessing, diagnosing, and most of all treating, various injuries and disabilities. In order to have the wherewithal to treat their patients, physical therapists study a number of different fields of science including anatomy, physics, and Kinesiology.
Medical technology is constantly evolving and it is up the the practitioner to evolve as well. It is because of this that continuing education physical therapy courses are an integral part of the field of physical therapy. Since these practitioners are extremely busy, online physical therapy continuing education is often a more practical option. This allows the practitioner to learn the updated materials and practices at their own pace.
Effective physical therapy continuing education courses adhere to the most stringent of standards as outlined by CAPTE regulations. CAPTE or the Commission on Accredidation in Physical Therapy Education, is the only accrediting agency recognized by the US Department of Education for Physical Therapy.