28 Mar 2025, Fri 5:39:58 AM

Top Five Facts You Should Know Before Beginning a Bring Your Own Device Program at Your Company


Android in the enterprise

Whether you own your own business, manage a business, or are thinking of starting one, you are probably interested in using smart devices to digitize your work. Here are a few things that you need to know about the benefits and drawbacks of bring your own device programs.

1. Manufacturers shipped an astounding 136 million Android based phones, which all are equipped with the option of Android management, in the third quarter of 2012. This represents 75 percent market share.

2. Implementing a BYOD, or bring your own device, policy is easier, as well as safer, when there is a Mobile Device Management, MDM, software system that has the ability to be run in the cloud. There should also be Android device management as well to help the whole system be as safe as possible.

3. Nearly half, an astounding 47 percent in fact, of companies that allow bring your own device programs, have had a security breach as a result of it. This is why android security model is no important in these cases. Investing in Android in the enterprise of bring your own device programs.

4. Mobile device management software as a service can help you gain insight into the devices of your employees. It gives you the ability to push updates automatically and set device restrictions for use during work hours.

5. As many as 81 percent of workers in the United states are using at least one personal electronic device for business purposes. While this can be great for saving money, it can be a huge source of trouble if additional programs that involve android device management are not enacted at the same time. Check out this website for more: www.maas360.com

By admin

4 thoughts on “Top Five Facts You Should Know Before Beginning a Bring Your Own Device Program at Your Company”
  1. the thing that i really hate about programs like this is the fact that they require you to buy the device. its great for people who already had one, but i cant afford one right now but i have t get one for work and theyre not helping

  2. the thing that i really hate about programs like this is the fact that they require you to buy the device. its great for people who already had one, but i cant afford one right now but i have t get one for work and theyre not helping

  3. the thing that i really hate about programs like this is the fact that they require you to buy the device. its great for people who already had one, but i cant afford one right now but i have t get one for work and theyre not helping

  4. the thing that i really hate about programs like this is the fact that they require you to buy the device. its great for people who already had one, but i cant afford one right now but i have t get one for work and theyre not helping

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