If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, you should access as much breast implants information as possible before committing to anything. In 2011, more than 307,000 women had breast augmentation consultation and surgery. Knowing all of the breast augmentation facts and the latest breast implants information ahead of time can make breast augmentation surgery less stressful.
The first piece of breast implants information you should be aware of has to do with the types of implants used. There are technically two possible types of implants that a breast augmentation surgeon can use, silicone and saline. However, there was a period of time when silicone implants were not lawful. The FDA put an end to sales of silicone implants due to safety concerns in 1992. However, after reviewing more research, the FDA reconsidered the silicone ban in 2006, allowing two companies, Mentor and Allergan, to market implants made from silicone. Currently, a third company, Sientra, is also approved by the FDA to sell sell silicone gel implants. Some women are still uncomfortable about breast augmentation accomplished with silicone gel implants due to the previous ban and possible health problems they can cause. Whether you choose to get saline or silicone implants should be based on the most up to date breast implants information there is, so do the research before making a decision.
This next piece of breast implants information may surprise you. It it not necessary to stay over night in the hospital when you get breast implants. Though there are some instances in which an overnight stay is required, getting breast implants can be done on an outpatient basis, which can make for more affordable breast augmentation bills. As well, though many patients undergo general anesthesia when having breast augmentation surgery, localized anesthesia, which is less risky and less expensive, may be an option. This is breast implants information you can ask your surgeon about.
My sorority sister had her breasts done last year. She looks amazing. She only went up a cup size, and it looks really natural.
Thanks for this article. I was not aware that silicone implants were back on the market. I thought they cause lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Is that not the case?
Thanks for this article. I was not aware that silicone implants were back on the market. I thought they cause lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Is that not the case?
Thanks for this article. I was not aware that silicone implants were back on the market. I thought they cause lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Is that not the case?
Thanks for this article. I was not aware that silicone implants were back on the market. I thought they cause lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Is that not the case?
Thanks for this article. I was not aware that silicone implants were back on the market. I thought they cause lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Is that not the case?