In this video, you will learn about private pre-k. This video is mainly about how to become a preschool teacher. She lives in Califonia. Some of the information will be specific to California.
The basic things you need are similar, but the basic requirements will depend on where you are. She started off as an assistant but then got hired as the center of a primary three. Now, she works with one to two-year-olds. She has a certificate in early childhood education. This allows her to teach at her local preschool. You need a high school diploma or a GED. You will need this in order to enroll in college. You need to get your ECE units started. Some private schools offer these classes online. If you are a working adult, it could be hard for you to actually go to class. Community colleges actually do offer online classes. You ca go once a week or perhaps to just night classes. If you are in high school, you can most likely enroll in these classes. They may have specific rules for how much you can take at a time while being in high school.