If you are asking the question when should I file bankruptcy, then it is likely you are already facing financial difficulties. But, that being said, some bankruptcy tips and tricks might not be amiss if you are really leaning towards filing. The devil is in the details, as they always say, and bankruptcy law can be really tedious and difficult to understand. And it doesn’t help if you have special circumstances, which always come with confusing questions like can one spouse file bankruptcy.
However, first and foremost the question of when should I file bankruptcy, which is different for many people. But, the most common misconception is that there aren’t many people that end up filing for bankruptcy, and this simply isn’t the case. Surprised? Well, here is some more bankruptcy info that you might not know.
- Three of the top driving forces behind personal bankruptcy filings are medical problems, divorce, and job loss.
- During September in 2012 there was a foreclosure filing in Indiana for each 747 houses.
- Epiq Systems, a leading technology provider, estimates that almost 1.25 million American citizens will end up filing for bankruptcy this year, but this number has decreased from last year’s 1.38 million filings.
- A falsification on a bankruptcy form constitutes perjury, and bankruptcy fraud is considered a federal crime in America.
- You have to prove your income is lower than the medium income according to your state for your family size. This is called a means test, and it is mandatory for you to qualify to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
More research here: koehlerbankruptcy.com
personal bankruptcy seems like a common place thing, which is pretty sad …
personal bankruptcy seems like a common place thing, which is pretty sad …
personal bankruptcy seems like a common place thing, which is pretty sad …
personal bankruptcy seems like a common place thing, which is pretty sad …
personal bankruptcy seems like a common place thing, which is pretty sad …