Potential students who want to earn degrees have immense opportunities because of the availability of programs offering online degrees. Students who cannot attend an on campus program because of work and family constrains or because they live in a remote location can now look for programs that result in degrees on the internet. A range of subjects are available for study by both public and private higher education institutions. One can study for a basic degree and go on to do a doctoral program entirely online without the need to attend classes on campus. Students should make an informed choice among programs before embarking on programs that offer online degrees. One of the main considerations before choosing programs offering online degrees is accreditation. An accredited program holds weight with employers in the same manner as an on campus degree and helps students in their career choices after the completion of the program. Programs that are accredited by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation CHEA are recognized by employers as quality programs. Potential students should research the internet about the rating of the online program. There are many websites that rate programs that offer online degrees based on student and employer feedback. Forums where students post their reviews are also valuable resources for potential students to evaluate programs offering online degrees. Potential students should also understand how study materials are delivered and how their work is assessed and choose the program that suits their lifestyle and goals. They can also check if credits are given for past experience or special knowledge. The cost of programs offering online degrees is another consideration before choosing the program. Students should check if the fees are within their means and if the institution offering programs for online degrees offers financial assistance. Working towards online degrees is lucrative only if students make a detailed investigation to make sure that programs offering online degrees are compatible with their career goals.