I would say that the worst day of my life was the day I needed to learn how to stop wage garnishment from IRS. I searched the Internet all over, plagued with doubt. I asked myself, “Can I stop a garnishment on my wages?” or “Does a bankruptcy stop wage garnishment?” afraid I would find a simple “no” to each question.
Before it all started, I had no idea that the IRS had the power to demand that a portion of the wages of a debtor could be sent directly to them, until they sent me a notice. According to the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution, the government is forbidden (whether it be state or federal) to take the property of an individual without due process of law, which applies to an IRS levy as well.
This gave me the time I needed to learn how to stop wage garnishment from IRS, but learning was not easy, though. In fact, just learning about the difficult process was hard in and of itself. The easiest form that they have, the 1040EZ, has thirty three pages of instructions alone. That should give you an idea o f the difficulty.
But there is hope. Do not misunderstand me. I write this to let you know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We, as Americans, have been fighting against abusive taxes since we rebelled against in England. Before 1776, the American Colonies were subject to taxation by the Unite Kingdoms, after all. After I searched “how to stop wage garnishment from IRS” high and low on the Internet, I found a tax attorney willing to help me with my case.
What I learned from my experience is that, honestly, preventing the situation is better than fighting it Avoid wage garnishment, rather than deal with it. Asking yourself how to keep it from happening is better than asking yourself how to stop wage garnishment. One way is to make sure you know all of your tax exemptions, because all governments within the United States provide it for some income, property or persons.
Did anybody else struggle learning how to stop wage garnishment from IRS? Did you see a tax professional? Are you worried that you will never know how to stop wage garnishment from IRS? Are there any other ways you know of on how to stop wage garnishment from IRS? If so, comment and share your experience. Continue reading here.
I have had my wages garnished a couple of times, and I lived through it, so if anyone out there is panicking, I want to reiterate his point that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I have had my wages garnished a couple of times, and I lived through it, so if anyone out there is panicking, I want to reiterate his point that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I have had my wages garnished a couple of times, and I lived through it, so if anyone out there is panicking, I want to reiterate his point that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I have had my wages garnished a couple of times, and I lived through it, so if anyone out there is panicking, I want to reiterate his point that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I have had my wages garnished a couple of times, and I lived through it, so if anyone out there is panicking, I want to reiterate his point that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.