SEO (search engine optimization) and other search marketing strategies have become increasingly popular and beneficial for individuals looking to improve business through their website, or just want to increase their site traffic. Currently, the search engine industry is worth an impressive $16 billion in U.S. dollars. The value here lies within the ability of consumers to research, review, and purchase almost anything online by using search engines. It is estimated that in 2012, 88.1 percent of US internet users ages 14+ browsed or researched products online before purchasing them. Additionally, 64 percent of smartphone owners shop online using their mobile devices. These figures provide tangible evidence for why search marketing is so important.
Search engine optimization increases the organic ranking of a website because it improves its overall quality and content visibility. Approximately three-quarters of internet search engine users claim they avoid paid advertisements, clicking on only organic links instead. SEO campaigns work to provide high ranking organic links on search engines that link back to your site. The best SEO campaigns can be built and managed by yourself. There are plenty of free tools available online for aspiring internet marketing professionals to take advantage of. However, building and managing a proper SEO campaign requires much knowledge of the industry, is quite time consuming, and requires a lot of work.
For many business owners and web site owners looking to improve their site content and web traffic, their schedules are quite busy, leaving little time to learn about SEO and time to manage a proper campaign. These busy-bodies typically hire the services of an SEO reseller program to help them through the time consuming SEO process. Some of the best SEO campaigns are built and managed by an SEO reseller companies who specialize in SEO, while possessing the resources, knowledge and manpower to effectively run an SEO campaign. If you are interested in having a reseller create and manage one of the best SEO campaigns for your website, search online for online marketing firms near you! See this link for more: www.hope.edu